another sunday has come and gone and it seems that i will be entering into another dismal monday. and i dont mean to be morbid by making use of the term "dismal" but what can i say: mondays have a tendancy to make me feel like i'd rather be elsewhere experiencing a thursday or friday. or something.
yesterday started off with yet another broken window on my car.
it's almost habitual to find glass lying on the ground nowadays.
i am over hating the criminals...i just hate the fact that they get rewarded from breaking into the car. and this time they were REALLY desperate because they literally stole EVERYTHING (from my mapbook to an amp in my boot to a tiny little keyring in my rearview mirror).
so i guess it's off to the glass fitters again tomorrow.

the rest of my weekend was relatively relevant to my mood. if that makes any sense. and it also gave me the chance to confirm a few things (thanks for unknowingly helping me along) that were looming unresolved in my mind.
but for now...sunday it will remain.
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